Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spiritual Feast times 2

Back to back weekends of spiritual feasting that I hope never to forget!  April 2011 General Conference was just what the doctor ordered!  I'd been down in the dumps for a spell and General Conference awakened in me a reminder of the many blessings given me by a loving Heavenly Father.  I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life and you know what?  Its true!  When I make the effort to have a meaningful conversation with God and humbly ask Him to join me in my day, He does!  When I ponder the personal implications of the teachings in the Book of Mormon, I am empowered to choose right over wrong. God has blessed all people of the world with one whom He has ordained as His chosen servant to lead and guide His children and today that man is Thomas S. Monson.  He is a prophet of God as surely as was Abraham, Noah, Moses and Elijah.  His message?  Love your spouse...Love your children...Be kind...Be Faithful...Be hopeful...and Attend God's Holy Temple Often with your spouse. I have the blessing of studying his message and the messages of all of God's chosen servants over the next 6 months.  I KNOW that as I hearken and heed the council given, in 6 months I will be that much closer to being the daughter Heavenly Father knows I can be and wants me to be.  I know that my faith in Christ will be strengthened.  I know that I will get a better hold on my weaknesses and I will be closer to making those weaknesses strengths!  I KNOW this blessing will come to all who are willing to do the same.

This weekend Jess and I were blessed with the opportunity to attend Time Out For Women in Fresno, CA.  We heard from Michael McLean, John Bytheway, Chris Belcher, Hilary Weeks, Deanne Flynn, Wendy Ulrich, Mariama Kallon, Laurel Christensen, and Mary Ellen Edmonds. The theme? 
"CHOOSE TO BECOME".  What a glorious outpouring of God's love we felt! We LOVED Michael McLean and know that God blessed us. Jess REALLY wanted Michael to play his adoption song, as that song holds a special place in our hearts=)  I didn't think he would play it because I couldn't see how it related to the theme "To Become" but...As the evening was coming to an end, Michael told us he was just going to play by spirit, hoping he would be guided in choosing the songs he should play.  He played a couple of good songs and then the notes of the adoption song began to fill the air. My silent prayer was heard and Michael played  "From God's Arms, To My Arms, To Yours".  Tears were streaming down Jess's face.  She said they were not tears of sorrow, but of joy!  Jess bore her testimony today in Sacrament Mtg.  What an amazing blessing!  The message she said she received from TOFW... We each have difficult challenges in life and we can only make it through successfully with the help of our Savior, Jesus Christ. She bore witness of this truth. This truth came through loud and clear from every one of the presenters. 
Cant wait to attend again!  My heart is full!  I am truly blessed!

Jess and Michael McLean