Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to our mothers - Maxine Burton McAllister & to LaRae White Larsen 2011

Today is Mother's Day, 2011.  I miss my mother but my heart is full of gratitude for all the lessons she taught me and for all the unconditional love, encouragement and trust she gave me.  My mother gave birth to 10 children and together with my dad, taught us to love one another and serve one another. Today I am happy to say that I love my brothers and sisters and I'm grateful to call them my friends!  My mother loved me enough to let me fall and learn to pick myself up.  She had confidence in me and taught me to have confidence in myself.  My mother loved the Gospel  of Jesus Christ and taught me its truths, together with the importance of building faith in Jesus Christ. I now have my own testimony and count it as my most prized possession.  It helps me with my relationships with my husband, my children, my siblings, friends and associates.  Mother, I love you Mother I do, Father in Heaven sent me to you! When I am near you I love to hear you saying so softly that you love me too! I know you love me Mother and I will forever strive to please you!  I hope that when all is said and done, my childen love me like I love you!

I feel to pay tribute to the mother of my husband - Norma LaRae White Larsen.  LaRae has been one of my dearest friends for many years - through good times and bad.  LaRae - I miss you but know with all my heart that you are about our Father's business.  You are happy and full of energy as you do His bidding.  I have no doubt that Heavenly Father cherishes His daughters and I wonder if you might be celebrating motherhood in heaven as we are on earth.  I would imagine your celebration is much more poignant as Motherhood is a celestial part of God's plan.  LaRae, I am so thankful for the truths, values and virtues you instilled in your son.  He leads our family in righteousness and love.  You were pleased with him while you were here - I know you are pleased now!  I appreciate so much your thoughtful ways, your encouragement, your optimistic outlook, your support, love and laughter.  You lived life to the fullest, conquering obstacles and weaknesses as you faithfully turned to the Lord.  Thank you for all you taught me my friend!  I love you with all my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful tributes to your two moms! You are definitely a beautiful mother yourself in every way. I watch your devotion, patience, worry, and love for your kids and grandkids. No doubt they love you!
